Subject: Re: Does bluetooth work with amd64?
To: Iain Hibbert <>
From: Juan RP <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 05/15/2007 09:21:32
On Tue, 15 May 2007 08:12:04 +0100 (BST)
Iain Hibbert <> wrote:

> I guess its time out as in paused for some seconds, then timed out..?

Yes, it is.
> Could be related to auth being enabled, is bthcid running?

I tried with auth disabled and same happens, bthcid is running.
> what does 'hcidump -V' (as root) show?

hcidump from pkgsrc does not know about "-V" but I tried with -a
(to print info in ASCII) output of "sdpquery -a xtraeme Browse":

$ sdpquery -a xtraeme Browse 
sdpquery: sdp_open: Connection timed out

$ sudo hcidump -a 
HCIDump - HCI packet analyzer ver 1.5
device: any snap_len: 65540 filter: 0xffffffffffffffff
< ACL data: handle 0x0001 flags 0x02 dlen 20
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets(0x13) plen 5
  . . . . . 
< HCI Command: Disconnect(0x01|0x0006) plen 3
  . . . 
> HCI Event: Command Status(0x0f) plen 4
  . . . . 
> HCI Event: Disconn Complete(0x05) plen 4
  . . . .

And does not show anything more.

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