Subject: Re: AXPpci33 Install floppy panic
To: Tim Rightnour <>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 05/05/1998 19:14:35
As Tim Rightnour wrote...
> On 05-May-98 Stan Pietkiewicz spoke unto us all:
> # I've got the "Common Console X4.5-2720 built on Mar 28 1996" loaded.
> # This was from DEC's firmware upgrade V1.5. Which brings me to another 
> # (two-part) question: How do I switch back to the ARC console to upgrade 
> # the firmware again (if I need to)? Failing that, how would I upgrade the 
> # firmware from the SRM console??
> # 
> On the multia you can switch to arc with the command "arc".  Also on the multia
> you can upgrade the firmware from the srm console..  I dont recall how off the
> top of my head.. but there was instructions on under thier
> multia help.  It may not apply to your AXP however.

It does not. The NoName has either SRM *or* ARC console in it's flash rom.
There is no space for both of them at the same time.

Low cost design etc.

_     ______________________________________________________________________
 |   / o / /  _  Bulte 				  email: wilko @ 
 |/|/ / / /( (_) Arnhem, The Netherlands          WWW:
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