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Re: x11/gtk4 fails to biuld - PLIST error?

Paul Goyette <> writes:

>> Perhaps you have disabled the cups option and in
>>	.else
>>	PLIST.lpr=              yes
>>	MESON_ARGS+=            -Dprint-cups=disabled
>>	.endif
>> the PLIST.lpr=yes is wrong?
> Yes, indeed, I do have cups disabled in my /etc/mk.conf  (I fought
> getting cups to work many years ago, and then just gave up.  I use my
> <blasphemy>windoze</balsphemy> laptop as a print controller when
> needed.)

By all means if you can fix code in an option, great.  But a while ago
cups was split into the library and the command-line programs, so that
having libcups is not so problematic, unless it's too much bloat or too
hated.  But it no longer means "install some program, get a new lpr".
So you may not want as hard to disable it.

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