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Re: sqlite3-3.7.3 broken!?

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 06:53:37PM +0200, Matthias Drochner wrote:
> With the new sqlite3, monotone (the VCS) complains about
> "internal errors" (some "select" query returning null
> unexpectedly). This is not just a binary compatibility
> issue -- the problem persists if I rebuild monotone.
> It also happens with monotone-0.48.1 which is not yet
> in pkgsrc.
> If I revert sqlite3 to 3.7.2, everything works well.
> So it seems that sqlite-3.7.3 is to blame.

I asked Richard about this. I'm quoting him:

  The sqlite3_column_blob() interface used to return an arbitrary pointer
  for a zero-length BLOB.  This seemed goofy, so we changed
  sqlite3_colum_blob() to always return a NULL pointer for a zero-length

In short: the assertions in monotone are bogus. An update of monotone
should fix this.


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