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Re: bug reports

Aleksey Cheusov wrote:
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006, Aleksey Cheusov wrote:

 >> What is the best way to report a bug for a particular package?
 >> Should I use send-pr for this or something else?

Hello Aleksey,

You can send an email to the MAINTAINER and/or also to this mailing list.

More than 600 pkgsrc packages do not specify MAINTAINER in Makefile.

Every package has a valid MAINTAINER that you can output with:

        make show-var VARNAME=MAINTAINER

More than 2200 packages have MAINTAINER variable
set to
Does this mean that all these ones do not actually have maintainer(s)?

Those packages have no specific developer as the maintainer but are maintained by the pkgsrc developer and user communities as a whole.

If you experience build problems with a particular package, then posting here first is probably the best thing to do. If it is a persistent build error that doesn't seem be getting fixed, then filing a PR using send-pr(1) should follow.


        -- Johnny Lam <>

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