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Re: NetBSD 9.3 amd64 Intel Nuc 8i7BEH xorg problem

On Sat, 7 Oct 2023, Ramiro Aceves wrote:

Just to be sure before breaking everyting ;-), is this right procedure to upgrade as The NetBSD Guide says?

"When upgrading between major releases (e.g. between NetBSD 8.2 and 9.2), take care to first upgrade the kernel and modules:

#  sysupgrade fetch
#  sysupgrade kernel
#  sysupgrade modules
#  reboot
#  sysupgrade sets
#  sysupgrade etcupdate
#  sysupgrade postinstall
#  sysupgrade clean
#  reboot


Yes, that's the correct procedure, but, I've never tried an update like
that using `sysupgrade'--I generally do a fresh install from scratch.

And, unless you're fine with compiling your applications from source, I
would hold off on the upgrade until the binary packages for 10.x arrive:

 but changing the URL to this?:

 Thank so much.

sorry, this one:

Use the URL with `latest' in it.


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