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Re: Prob when I try to switch to NetBSD-9.3

Todd Gruhn <> writes:

> WOW! Thanks!
> So I will watch for ver 10.a
> Any specific time when you 10.a to come out?
> A whole year?

That's a really good question.  I bet Martin doesn't want to make
predictions.   The branch is hoping to be "soon", which  I think means a
small number of months.  10.0 itself, I think is fairly safe to be in
2023 sometime, and beyond that predictions are perilous.

But if you are already on 9.99.X, and you are adventurous, it's pretty
safe to:

  build a new current from up-to-date cvs

  watch the lists (you should be on current-users) for horror stories,
  which are rare)

  if none 48h after your checkout, boot the new kernel and if ok unpack
  the new userland

That's kind of what I do, less cautious, because if the box I run
current on doesn't work for a week while I get around to fixing it, it's
ok.  My computers that I really care if they work or not  I run
up-to-date netbsd-9.   But I will probably move at least one to
netbsd-10 as soon as it is branched.

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