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Re: Raspberry Pi as wireless AP, with pluggable usb modem

On Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 08:54:56AM -0800, Daniel Lemke wrote:
> If you can get a spare Android phone with service to provide Internet to
> the Pi, you can just cut the Pi out. Setup the phone in hotspot mode and
> you won't need the Pi. You can leave the extra phone plugged in to USB
> power. Leave it somewhere up high, like on top of a bookshelf.
> Caveat: a Pi with a gain antenna would have better range. Do some
> wireless testing with the phone in hotspot mode first to determine if
> you need the extra gain.

Right. But here, the pi is having multiple roles. It is a print server, it
has an HDMI screen used as PoS (payment handling and some display stuff).
The role of a router was added to it later.

I have a dongle that provides ISP connection over USB as well as wifi.
Here I am using it as a usb modem to pi and pi shares the connection with
other devices. This dongle could have served as a router as well. But pi
based router gives me a more self contained setup with flexible choice of
internet connectivity device. And even if the device is taken away for a
while (which sometimes happens) at least my intranet setup works fine.


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