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Re: MPV results

On Sat, 24 Jul 2021, Todd Gruhn wrote:

'--fs' gives a window that fills the entire screen. It still does not
fix the problem:

I have a window that fills the entire screen -- but the video/picture
is a slice in the middle of the window with a black top and a black
bottom. I beleiv I fixed that in VLC by changing the aspect ratio.

That's called letterboxing and is what's most usually done if the movie
aspect ratio does not match the display AR. One other choice is `pan and
scan' which most movie buffs hate because it lops the left & right sides
of the picture.

Use the `w' and `W' keys to adjust pan and scan.

I watched War of the Worlds starring Tom Cruise. It freezes terribly when viewed
with VLC.  It froze several times under MPV -- but it was hard th notice. WHY?

Dunno, but you could try `--dvd-speed=' and slow down the read speed
(2, 4)x or play with the read-ahead cache size using
`--demuxer-max-bytes=' on MPV to try smooth out any choppy playback.


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