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Re: change console font size to larger 80x24 writes:

>Using evbarm on pinebook (NetBSD current as of yesterday).

>The font size is too small.

Means you need to have a bigger font.

- there are builtin fonts in the kernel, but the standard configs only
  include one (bold8x16). You can build a custom kernel to inlude several
  other fonts, some are large enough for pinebook. The console will
  automatically chose the 'best' font fitting 80x25 characters
  (or whatever RASOPS_DEFAULT_{WIDTH,HEIGHT} specifies).
- You can load custom fonts after bootstrap with wsfontload. These could
  be used then by some drivers and recently wsfb learned how to use
  them. These fonts are different from the list above and we only provide
  a few with the same size. There is a ttf2wsfont program in the source
  tree, not part of the build, that can be used to generate more.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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