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Re: Questions about NetBSD and virtual networks (Ib-Michael Martinsen) writes:

>Should it not be possible the reach any address from the guest OS when
>it is configured with/on another network than the host OS?

>If yes, what am I missing to make it work?

Your guest OS knows how to reach the world via its default gateway
but the world doesn't know how to reach the guest OS. Everything
else on your local network including your router only knows about and will fall back to their default route (probably the
internet connection) to reach other networks including

Your router needs to know about and maybe needs a
NAT configuration for it.

If you then use different networks, it is usually better to route
than to switch. I.e. disable the bridge and configure ip forwarding.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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