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Re: NetBSD Wishlist


First I have to excuse myself, english is not my native language and I
I wasnt threatening at all. Germans do always sound little more rude

Thanks that this list is generally very nice and most reactions are friendly.

I like NetBSD. No, I'm loving it!
I use it since 1.6. Nevertheless it is in our company hardly used -
too impractical for most IT staff here.

>From my very limited horizont and view some of this above mentioned
features are cruical and would help NetBSD in world domination :-D

I remember the old logo were beasties conquered and rised the Flag of victory.

I know (and I like it) the slogan is: "No hype needed."

But to tell the audience what NetBSD WOULD LIKE TO IMPLEMENT in near
future would create more movement into a specific direction. we need a
NetBSD Foundation driven Google Summer of Code. I like to donate then
for special Projects! Like GSoC helped us, it could boost some
projects and attract new developers (I remember clearly how tmpfs was
invented into NetBSD).

Backed up by the foundation a call for developers for specific tasks
would help. In such a manner I would be proud of donating some bucks
just for NUMA support. Or if for NetBSD 6.0 some devs are developing a
tiny X into the Kernel I am even asking my girlfiend to support! If
there is a feature I really like to have in NetBSD a NetBSD Task force
which is going public could help in every aspect!
I am missing a feature request and fullfillement plan.

The way how things are discussed - great
The way how NetBSD is being developed - awesome
The way how NetBSD devs are coding - unbeatable

Theres a huge difference between creating a hype (like many linux
distribs do) and just attracting public attention by having more
communication from public to devs and little more Public Relation.

One example:
on 19. Nov NetBSD 5.1 was released (and some days earlier on the mirrors). (Germanys _biggest_ IT-Magazine with millions of readers)
didnt even notice that!!!
I have written an email to the Chef Journalist and asked for the
reason and told them about NetBSDs new release. Also I did send this
email to other IT-Magazines as well. I am really really sad about this
state and thats why I was writing this letter to you.

here the original Mail answere from :|en|Am%2021.11.2010%2015%3A59%2C%20Markus%20wrote%3A%0A%3E%20NetBSD%205.1%20ist%20am%2019.11.2010%20ver%C3%B6ffentlicht%20worden%20und%20war%20schon%2013%20TAGE%0A%3E%20VORHER%20bereit%20und%20auf%20einigen%20Servern.%0A%3E%0A%3E%20Dar%C3%BCber%20hat%20keiner%20von%20euch%20berichtet!%0A%0AHallo%2C%0A%0Aist%20uns%20schlicht%20entgangen.%20Die%20Informationspolitik%20der%20BSD-Projekte%20ist%0Amanchmal%20etwas%2C%20hmmm%2C%20problematisch%3F%20Gelegentlich%20hat%20man%20den%20Eindruck%2C%0Adie%20wollen%20gar%20nicht%2C%20dass%20irgendjemand%20au%C3%9Fer%20dem%20engsten%20Zirkel%20neue%0AVersionen%20mitbekommt.%0A%0AWir%20schauen%20es%20uns%20mal%20an.%0A%0A%3E%0A%3E%20gru%C3%9F%0A%3E%0A%3E%0A%3E%20--%0A%3E%20War%20for%20Peace%20is%20like%20Fuckin%27%20for%20Virginity%0A%3E%20Realit%C3%A4t%20ist%20etwas%20f%C3%BCr%20Leute%20die%20nicht%20mit%20Drogen%20umgehen%20k%C3%B6nnen.%0A%3E%0A--%0ADr.%20Oliver%2

I like the way how DragonFly is performing these tasks (only in this
particular topic):
They write on their website where they are, but even more important
where they want to go! Yeah! Thats cool.I want to be there as well!
Yeah! Thats creating dynamics and synergies and pushes us further!
That gives Visions! No hype needed is ok, but not even being mentioned
around the globe in the IT-Press is ridiculous and makes me crying!

It certainly needs true leaders for each mission. also it helps new
developers having the same ideas to gather around the NetBSD leaders
and start coding. Like a selfullfilling prophecy. The most portable
safe and secure clean Environment is NetBSD!  SO WHY TO TELLING EACH
STUDENT!! WHY NOT REACHING FOR THE STARS!?? Imagine the headlines:
NetBSD want to develop an kernel X for embedded systems on satellites!
Student that want to help could learn on NetBSD the most portable
clean system on planet. Canonical who?
Ubuntu for Desktop - NetBSD for science and real mens projects.

Have a nice day and thanks for some new ideas (trying some of your
proposals like the live cd!)


2010/11/23 Christos Zoulas <>:
> In article <>,
> Marc Balmer Â<> wrote:
>>Am 22.11.10 16:41, schrieb MTS Consult:
>>> Hello,
>>> Here my wishlist for NetBSD 6.0 to have more fun using it (and really
>>> using it and not switching to other systems):
>>To be honest, I really don't care if you switch to other systems.
>>Developing for NetBSD has to be fun for the developers, too. ÂIf you
>>need a certain feature, try to find someone you pay to implement it ;)
> I don't think that this was a threat :-)... He was genuinely trying to
> give useful feedback from his own perspective (things that he thought
> are important for us to have). Some of the features he mentioned we
> already plan on doing.
>>> + please drop CVS,RCS,SVN . They are not correct, slow, take too much
>>> CPU and just pain in the ass to use
>>> Â ÂDragonFly BSD has shown how awesome a distributed cvs is: they use
>>> Linus' GiT.
>>> Â ÂSo why not developing a Distributed Tracking System the NetBSD way?
>>> A NetBSD repository manager: Ngit.
>>> Â Â
> Well, I don't know/think that we are planning to write our own, but right
> now we are busy fixing problems in our repository to make auto-converters
> to work. The next step is to choose which DVCS we want to adopt.
>>> + Out of the Box Kernel enabled Full Virtualisation expandable by
>>> different userland modules on different platforms - Why do we have
>>> XEN?
> Let's first get MP done correctly on XEN.
>>> + Support for more Filesystems. Whats going on in LINUX is crazy but
>>> also awesome. New FS like JFFS2, RFS, BTRFS rock! they should be
>>> considerd to be supported right from the beginning. NetBSD
>>> intercompatibility with different MS and LINUX FS is annoying. NetBSD
>>> should be able to talk natively to all other Storages from different
>>> Systems. Thats suits NetBSD better as it runs on all systems but just
>>> could talk to itself and other BSDs... Funny that with special
>>> software even Windows and LINUX could write to slices but NetBSD still
>>> is behind. Also I like to see HAMMERFS integrated natively and
>>> certainly ZFS. UFS and FFS are - uhm... old in every aspect and
>>> fashion. Maybe a Virtual Filesystem Layer (VFS) in the Kernel is
>>> helping there.
> Or fix the existing filesystems first: LFS/ZFS (or ditch LFS if nobody
> will ever fix it).
>>> + NetBSD LIVE CD/USB with each release - also would be nice to have
>>> NetBSD Server and NetBSD Desktop showcase CD with each release! I dont
>>> want to build each time the stuff I need. Even as Admin sometimes I
>>> just want to use it. LINUX CDs are so handy and I am mad about the
>>> fact that I cant just quickly download a NetBSD Server Edition and
>>> "WORK" on a problem instead of first putting hours into creating a
>>> system. NetBSD is time consuming like hell.
> Yes, we are working on that and I think we'll have USB support for 6.0.
> Hopefully Live CD too, but already this is provided by 3rd parties.
>>> + integrating a small X-Window into the System.
>>> Â ÂSomething like Project "Wayland" from Canonical that has a
>>> minimalistic mem footprint expandable by userland modules.
> Yes, we have been thinking about providing a minimal graphical
> environment for things like Qt to work without requiring X. No real
> progress there and perhaps wayland is the way to go. Time will
> tell. But first we need support for KMS and GEM, otherwise X will
> stop working for most modern cards.
>>> + NUMA support and a true scheduler fÃr each MultiCore CPU
> Yes, while there has been some scheduler work, we don't have real support
> for numa or hyperthreading. Unfortunately no-one has stepped up to work
> on those yet.
>>> + More focus on Mobile Devices - NetBSD is in my opinion a better
>>> System on mobiles than LINUX/Android. Tethering drivers (to iPhone and
>>> Android) would be nice.
> That would be nice to have too. Although it is more difficult for proprietary
> protocols.
> Thanks for the feedback,
> christos

Mit freundlichen GrÃÃen,
i.A. Markus Maiwald

Fon:Â Â ÂÂ +31 629 50 70 65

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