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Re: Balsa and the "Gnome editor"

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 6:14 AM, Eric d'Alibut 
<> wrote:

> Does anyone know how to change the "Gnome editor" to something other
> than mousepad?

I don't know if this is the NetBSD way, or the Gnome way, or even the
Xfce4 way, of doing this, but it seems to work:

See to it that a file named 'defaults.list' is located in your home
directory here:


The file contents should look something like this (if you like xjed):

[Default Applications]

In the same dir place a file named 'xjed.desktop' whose contents look
something like this:

[Desktop Entry]

In my case that got 'er done.

No no no, my fish's name is Eric, Eric the fish. He's an halibut. I am
not a looney! Why should I be tarred with the epithet looney merely
because I have a pet halibut?

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