Subject: Re: Command to burn an ISO file to a CDR?
To: Gilles Gravier <>
From: Liam J. Foy <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/12/2007 17:09:01
Gilles Gravier wrote:
> Hi!
> OK... So... this is a going to be a first for me... and I have no idea 
> of the process on NetBSD... I have an xxxxx.iso file... and a blank CD. 
> How do I go about burning that? On Solaris, I'd do cdrw -i xxxxx.iso and 
> that would work. On Windows, well... thousands of tools.
> What about NetBSD? A simple command line tool available?
> Thanks in advance,
> Gilles.

I use cdrecord and record many, many CDs per week. I do something like:

cdrecord -dev=15,1,0 -speed=8 -v netbsd.iso

cdrecord is avaliable in pkgsrc :-) give cdrecord a shot.

	Liam J. Foy