Subject: Re: When NetBSD 4.0?
To: Jan Danielsson <>
From: =?UTF-8?B?UHJ6ZW15c8WCYXcgUGF3ZcWCY3p5aw==?= <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/22/2007 05:10:02
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On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 20:34:23 +0100
Jan Danielsson <> wrote:

>    Users have the right to demand things of the developers, but the
> developers have the right to ignore the users making demands. :-)
:-) Touche!

>    Seriously though.. If the 4.0 branch contains features that you
> require, then why not help out by beta testing it?
I got problems with it and badly needed working version (on 8 GB HDD only).

"Seriously though." Do you ask me to test bare system or with apps under "battlefield" conditions?

1) And tell me please, what packages I should use with the daily build snapshots:
package-2006Q4, pkgsrc-2006Q4 or (current-)pkgsrc (respectively: binaries, compilations, compilations)?

2) Can I install old 2006Q4 binaries or do I have to compile from current pkgsrc?

3) And why there're no "current" binaries? My Celeron 400 flint is not a match to Athlon/Xeon/Pentium 4000+ 203mm heavy cruiser cannons, not mentioning X2/X4 406 mm battleship monsters.

Przemysław Pawełczyk <>

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