Subject: Re: How can I install applications which have conflicts in dependences?
To: =?UTF-8?B?UHJ6ZW15c8WCYXcgUGF3ZcWCY3p5aw==?= <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/21/2007 08:44:55
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On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, Przemys=C5~Baw Pawe=C5~Bczyk wrote:

> For past several months I tried to gather different reasonable sets of=20
> different programs taking into consideration aesthetic issues or good=20
> efficiency on old machines or small footprint. But all the efforts were=
> pointless.

Why? Did it fail?

Did you make a meta-package or new package with configurations to share?=20

Sorry if I overlooked your postings about this.

Creating meta-packages with pre-created themes and configurations would be=
useful for some. Please submit.

(A lot of people use NetBSD because they know how they want their=20
system setup and don't like to un-do superfluous configurations, themes,=20
extras. But some extra meta-packages would be useful for others.)

  Jeremy C. Reed