Subject: Re: private account setup for user using samba ?
To: Chan Yiu Wah <>
From: Pierre Bourgin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/14/1999 15:57:44
On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Chan Yiu Wah wrote:

 > Hello,
 > I recently installed and configure the samba on my netbsd-current (i386).
 > I had successfully setup the samba and allow the client to view the 
 > the files on the server.  However,  I have problem in setting private
 > account for the users.  I follow the smb.conf.default to setup the 
 > private account for users . when I tried to view the content of the 
 > private directory for the users, password is prompted and I cannot get in
 > enev though I supply the correct password.  I had set the security = user
 > in the [global].  Here is the priavte account section.
 > [clarence]
 >    comment = clarence's directory
 >    path = /usr/clarence
 >    valid users = clarence
 >    public = no
 >    writable = yes
 >    printable = no

Did you try the 'smbclient' ? On your local machine I call
'toto' (the one that runs samba), try :

1.% smbclient -L toto -U clarence
2.% smbclient  //toto/clarence -U clarence

And see what's happening (you will be asked for clarence' 
password) :

with 1., you must see general infos. and availables ressources
about computer 'toto' for the user 'clarence' (domain, availbale
ressources on toto, list of boxes in the domain and/or workgroup)

with 2., you will have a dos-like prompt if everything allright
(could do 'dir', 'get',....).

If all theses commands work correctly, you can think the samba
server is working as you want.

Next step is to configurate your windows client correctly : see
samba doc about clear/encrypted password and so on.

Note: if the user 'clarence' does not exist on your NT client,
use mount volume (exact name ?) in the explorer, and give
\\\clarence as user 'clarence' to be mounted,
instead of '\\toto\clarence' ( is the IP number of
toto). If user 'clarence' exists, simply use '\\toto\clarence'.
On win 95 (98 ??) box, you MUST be the user 'clarence' to use it
(you can't change the user that use network stuff).

See you soon on the mail :))) ?

Pierre Bourgin