Subject: RE: Share the secret of how to flame spammers
To: John A. Maier - Kemper Military School and College MIS dept. <>
From: Andrew Brennan <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/11/1997 14:13:53
   ... and what happens when someone sends spam with forged addresses to
   [a] bogus addresses (you get bombed by your own mailer-daemon) or [b]
   innocent users (you start harassing someone who didn't do anything).

   I'd recommend people get familiar w/their email headers *well* before 
   taking retaliatory actions ... if then.  It's better (IMHO) to filter
   incoming mail from spam domains and trash them before they're seen.

   andrew.  (

On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, John A. Maier wrote:

> #!/bin/csh
> set idd = 1
> while( $idd < 100) ;
>         set setd = "Spam this!!!"
>         # give me a count of how many messages have been sent.
>         echo $idd
>         # knowb.mail is a text file with your message of disgust.
>         cat knob.mail | mail -s "$setd" knob@spammer.go.away
> set idd = `expr $idd + 1`
> end