Subject: Re: One-floppy installation ??
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/06/1994 00:21:34
> I was wondering if someone had a one-floppy installation procedure for
> NetBSD (i386).  I would like to put NetBSD on my laptop but am currently
> stumped at how to get around the two-floppy drive procedure.  At the moment
> I've got Linux (Slackware) on the machine but would like to switch to
> NetBSD since I have the amiga port of that running on my desktop machine.
> Slackware (SLS) is an example of a setup which permits installing even if
> only 1 floppy is available.  Anyone have a scheme or plans for something
> similar for NetBSD?

Mike - 

I think you missed the point (which was never clearly  described anyway).
You only need 1 floppy drive. The correct process for booting NetBSD
from floppy is:

1) Insert KC Floppy. Boot your machine.
2) Wait until it says "insert file system floppy". Remove the KC Floppy.
3) Insert "inst-1.fs". Hit Return. (You shoud see the rest of the boot
        procedure now.)
4) Follow the install instructions for partitioning, formatting, etc.
        Let it halt your machine. (You may have to type "halt" if it
        gives you back a CLI.
5) Insert KC Floppy. Boot your machine.
6) Wait until it says "insert file system floppy". Hit <Return>. 
        (The KC Floppy is now the "file system floppy".
7) Follow the instructions to copy your kernel to the appropriate boot
        hard drive. (wd0a or sd0a).
        Let it halt your machine. (You may have to type "halt" if it
        gives you back a CLI.
8) Remove the KC Floppy and reboot. It will now boot from the hard
        drive if everything went well, and you can finish the install
        from here.
