Subject: Re: htdocs/Documentation/pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 12/07/2003 19:39:06
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Hiroki Sato <> wrote:
> Jan Schaumann <> wrote
>   in <>:
> jschauma> One note for those artistically inclined:  Here, too, it would =
be nice
> jschauma> to have a cover graphic and maybe two graphics for the two main=
> jschauma> (users and developers)...
>  If illustrations in EPS format are ready they can be inserted
>  easily to the guide and the pkgsrc doc.  Are there such material?

Unfortunately, there isn't.  And I really have no skills whatsoever in
that area. :-(

What I had in mind, though was something like the following:  For the
main cover, a picture of a handful of packages.  Typical boxes,
fedex or postal boxes, closed.  Maybe a pile of them.  Then, for the
pkgsrc users guide page, the same pile of boxes, only they opened
and a whole bunch of little gift packages fell out of them.  Finally,
for the pkgsrc developers guide page, maybe a daemon or two wrapping the
little gifts and packing the boxes.   Or something like that.

The second image could be similar to (here you see an excellent
example of what I ment with ``no skills whatsoever'' - don't ask me how
long it took me to create such a simple yet obviously not usable image

Just an idea.


Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

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