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Re: bin/51230: 'gpt biosboot' needs to mark protective mbr partition as 'active'

On Jun 10, 10:00am, Hauke Fath wrote:
} The following reply was made to PR bin/51230; it has been noted by GNATS.
} From: Hauke Fath <>
} Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 11:55:38 +0200
}  On Fri, 10 Jun 2016 09:50:00 +0000 (UTC), John Nemeth wrote:
}  >  }  I noted, btw, that 'gpt restore' will restore the gpt from a backup,
}  >  }  but it will not restore the protecting mbr. Since that can lead to
}  >  }  nasty surprises later, it probably should.
}  > 
}  >       Actually, it will restore the "protecting mbr", and it will
}  >  automatically adjust it if you are restoring to a disk of a different
}  >  size.  'gpt backup' produces a text file, so you can look at it to
}  >  see what is saved.  However, you should not edit it.
}  Sorry, the above was meant to say "gpt recover".
}  I just retried with -current gpt, and while it will restore a
}  dd(8)ed-over primary gpt from the secondary copy, it will not restore
}  the PMBR.

     Good catch.  I just fixed that.  Along with a rather serious
bug from Dec. 2nd, 2015, which I just discovered.  It was noticable
if you ran "gpt recover" twice in a row.  The second time, it would
complain that the disk size had changed when it obviously had not.
It simply should have exited with nothing happening.  The issue
was that the pointer in the "recovered" GPT which pointed to the
other GPT was being set incorrectly.

     Anyways, I think we can probably close the PR now.  Normally,
I would say to leave it open for pullups.  But, there is quite a
bit of gpt(8) that should be pulled up to both 6.x and 7.x (especially

}-- End of excerpt from Hauke Fath

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