Subject: pkg/24563: bmake won't compile 64 bit as suggested
To: None <>
From: Charlie Allom <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 02/26/2004 17:21:59
>Number:         24563
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       bmake will not compile into a 64bit binary with SunPro
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Feb 26 06:20:01 UTC 2004
>Release:        SunOS 5.9
>Organization: - Melbourne, Australia
 PGP: 0x14AA7941 || finger
System: SunOS lazy 5.9 Generic_112233-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-2
Architecture: sparc
Machine: sun4u
othersrc/bootstrap-pkgsrc/bmake will not build itself as 64bit like the README.Soalris suggests.
I have detailed this in a tech-pkg email and duplicate here.

Anyone know how to make 64 bit bmake.. etc from bootstrap?

it seem that parts of the build for bmake are picking up my 
/etc/mk.conf additions to CFLAGS, but others aren't.

22:52 lazy:/home/yeled/bootstrap-pkgsrc# cat /etc/mk.conf
CC= cc
CFLAGS+= -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v9a

the first build of bmake.boot doesnt pick up..

cc *.o lst.lib/*.o -o bmake.boot rm -f *.[ado] */*.[ado] CC="cc" 
MAKESYSPATH=/usr/pkg/share/mk ./bmake.boot -f Makefile
cc -O -I. -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I./missing -D__EXTENSIONS__ 
-xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v9a   -c arch.c

So when we get here, it dies:

cc -O -I. -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I./missing -D__EXTENSIONS__ 
\"/usr/pkg/share/mk\""   -DSIGNAL_FLAGS=SA_RESTART -xtarget=ultra2 
-c getenv.c
"getenv.c", line 90: warning: empty translation unit
cc -O -I. -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I./missing -D__EXTENSIONS__ 
\"/usr/pkg/share/mk\""   -DSIGNAL_FLAGS=SA_RESTART -xtarget=ultra2 
-c sigcompat.c
"sigcompat.c", line 212: warning: implicit function declaration: memcpy
"sigcompat.c", line 222: warning: implicit function declaration: memset
cc   -o bmake arch.o buf.o compat.o cond.o dir.o for.o hash.o job.o 
main.o make.
o parse.o str.o suff.o targ.o trace.o var.o util.o lstAppend.o 
lstAtEnd.o lstAtF
ront.o lstClose.o lstConcat.o lstDatum.o lstDeQueue.o lstDestroy.o 
lstDupl.o lst
EnQueue.o lstFind.o lstFindFrom.o lstFirst.o lstForEach.o 
lstForEachFrom.o lstIn
it.o lstInsert.o lstIsAtEnd.o lstIsEmpty.o lstLast.o lstMember.o 
lstNext.o lstOp
en.o lstRemove.o lstReplace.o lstSucc.o getenv.o sigcompat.o
ld: fatal: file arch.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to bmake
*** Error code 1

bmake.boot: stopped in /home/yeled/bootstrap-pkgsrc/bmake
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `bootstrap'
===> exited with status 1

so I edit thusly:

--- bmake/     Wed Feb 25 22:32:43 2004
+++ bmake/      Wed Feb 25 22:40:36 2004
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

+CFLAGS=-I. -I$(srcdir) -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v9a @DEFS@ @CPPFLAGS@ 

  OBJ=arch.o buf.o compat.o cond.o dir.o for.o hash.o job.o main.o 
make.o \
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@

  bmake.boot: ${OBJ}
         (cd lst.lib; $(MAKE) -f makefile.boot CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-I.. 
-I${srcdir}/.. ${CFLAGS}" )
-       ${CC} *.o lst.lib/*.o -o $@ @LIBS@
+       ${CC} -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v9a *.o lst.lib/*.o -o $@ @LIBS@
         rm -f *.[ado] */*.[ado]

  bootstrap:     bmake.boot

and it errors:

cc -O -I. -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I./missing -D__EXTENSIONS__ 
-xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v9a   -c getenv.c
"getenv.c", line 90: warning: empty translation unit
cc -O -I. -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I./missing -D__EXTENSIONS__ 
-xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v9a   -c sigcompat.c
"sigcompat.c", line 212: warning: implicit function declaration: memcpy
"sigcompat.c", line 222: warning: implicit function declaration: memset
cc   -o bmake arch.o buf.o compat.o cond.o dir.o for.o hash.o job.o 
main.o make.o parse.o str.o suff.o targ.o trace.o var.o util.o 
lstAppend.o lstAtEnd.o lstAtFront.o lstClose.o lstConcat.o lstDatum.o 
lstDeQueue.o lstDestroy.o lstDupl.o lstEnQueue.o lstFind.o 
lstFindFrom.o lstFirst.o lstForEach.o lstForEachFrom.o lstInit.o 
lstInsert.o lstIsAtEnd.o lstIsEmpty.o lstLast.o lstMember.o lstNext.o 
lstOpen.o lstRemove.o lstReplace.o lstSucc.o getenv.o sigcompat.o
ld: fatal: file arch.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to bmake
*** Error code 1

I can't find out where this one is called from?? and then it all goes 
to shit if I try and run that command with the v9 stuff.

cc -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v9a *.o lst.lib/*.o -o bmake.boot
ld: fatal: symbol `Lst_Append' is multiply-defined:
         (file lstAppend.o type=FUNC; file lst.lib/lstAppend.o 
ld: fatal: symbol `Lst_AtEnd' is multiply-defined:
         (file lstAtEnd.o type=FUNC; file lst.lib/lstAtEnd.o type=FUNC);
ld: fatal: symbol `Lst_AtFront' is multiply-defined:
         (file lstAtFront.o type=FUNC; file lst.lib/lstAtFront.o 
ld: fatal: symbol `Lst_Close' is multiply-defined:
         (file lstClose.o type=FUNC; file lst.lib/lstClose.o type=FUNC);
ld: fatal: symbol `Lst_Concat' is multiply-defined:
         (file lstConcat.o type=FUNC; file lst.lib/lstConcat.o 

etc etc

Note that it is pulling in the bmake/lst.lib/.* where it already seems to have them in bmake/, so a:

cc -xtarget=ultra2 -xarch=v9a -o bmake *.o

will work and create a working bmake binary - but where does it pull in these libs? from which makefile?
Well I can mek it _work_ but I need some help fixing these makefiles :)