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Re: Raspberry Pi camera under NetBSD current (Dave Tyson) writes:

>I have been trying to get the raspberry pi camera to work on a model B under a 
>recent current snapshot. 

> NetBSD 9.99.88 (RPI) #0: Fri Sep 24 18:47:29 UTC 2021

>As standard booting off the sdcard works fine with the default config.txt,
>but to use the camera you need to modify this to add  start_x=1 and set the 
>gpu mem to 128.  With the changed options you need different microcode files 
>in the /boot partition start_x.elf and fixup_x.dat. NetBSD doesn't supply 
>these, but I pulled versions from the git repository.

>The problem is that the system boots, but fails to attach the sdcard and thus 
>cannot find root,

I just tried this with an older 9.99.81 installation on a RPI3b+
and a recent snapshot of the firmware files (around August) and
NetBSD boots without a problem.

Trying to access the camera with raspistill however ends in a crash
in the vchiq driver.

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