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Kernel crash with USB printer on sparc64

uname -a
NetBSD ultra10 4.99.72 NetBSD 4.99.72 (GENERIC_SUN4U) #0: Wed Aug 13 00:33:40 
BST 2008  root@p3smp:/opt/obj.sparc/sys/arch/sparc/compile/GENERIC_SUN4U 

I can always reproduce this crash.

I try to print something on a USB printer from a KDE application, all I get is 
garbage on the first page and then the printer feeds empty pages one after 
another. Switching the printer off and then on again crashes NetBSD kernel

ulpt0: at uhub1 port 2 (addr 3) disconnected
ulpt0: detached
text_access_fault: pc=4090000 va=4090000
kernel trap 64: +fast instruction access MMU miss
Stopped in pid 194.1 (usb) at 0x4090000: undefined
db> bt
usbd_free_xfer(0, 0, 0, dab0a44, dfeddcc, dfede10) at 
ulptclose(2d5ab00, 2, 2000, dab0a40, 0, 2) at netbsd:ulptclose+0xb4

... and so on

Anyone knows a fix, coz this bug drives me mad.

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