Subject: Re: i386 on x86_64
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/07/2006 23:32:46
In article <>,
Peter Seebach <> wrote:
>(This isn't really about either port.  Or it's about both.)
>I have an interest in running a faster/more modern x86 box.
>However, I also need to run Java, and so far as I can tell, Linux
>compatibility, and thus the sun JDK, aren't working yet on amd64.
>Is it possible to just run NetBSD/i386 on a 64-bit processor and ignore
>the extra features?

Yes. I believe that emulated linux 32 bit java is working on amd64/current.
Also amd64 emulated linux java might work. But you could compile a native
one too.
