Subject: Re: Who is pinging me?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 05/20/1996 07:36:53
> According to my modem lights and netstat -picmp, someone out there in
> IP land seems to be constantly pinging my system (not a flood ping,
> thank goodness).  Is there an existing program that can be used to
> figure out the source of these packets?

Why not just sic tcpdump on the ppp/slip interface?  (Unlike what its
name appears to suggest, tcpdump is actually capable of dumping more
than tcp packets.  I don't actually know that it will work with a slip
or ppp interface, but if it doesn't I would say it's a major bug.)

Or, if you have any access to the machines on the other side of the
link, run something similar from another machine on the same cable the
packets are passing over.

Personally, I'd just tell the serial-IP encoding program to dump a
traffic sample, but given the all-in-the-kernel implementation of the
stock NetBSD slip and ppp (which I assume you're using), that isn't
really possible.

					der Mouse